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Charts - Bubble

This demo illustrates use of the bubble series type. This series can be used when you need to visualize a data set with three dimensions: the first two dimensions are indicated by coordinates on the axes, the third by the size of the bubble. In this demo, the bubble size helps estimate the percentage of people with age over 60 to the total population in the country.
Backend API
@(Html.DevExtreme().Chart() .ID("chart") .CommonSeriesSettings(s => s.Type(SeriesType.Bubble)) .Title("Correlation between Total Population and\n Population with Age over 60") .Tooltip(t => t .Enabled(true) .Location(ChartTooltipLocation.Edge) .CustomizeTooltip(@<text> function (arg) { return { text: arg.point.tag + '<br />Total Population: ' + arg.argumentText + 'M<br />Population with Age over 60: ' + arg.valueText + 'M (' + arg.size + '%)' }; } </text>) ) .ArgumentAxis(a => a .Label(l => l.CustomizeText(@<text> function () { return this.value + 'M'; } </text>)) .Title("Total Population") ) .ValueAxis(a => a .Add() .Label(l => l.CustomizeText(@<text> function () { return this.value + 'M'; } </text>)) .Title("Population with Age over 60") ) .Legend(l => l .Position(RelativePosition.Inside) .HorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.Left) .Border(b => b.Visible(true)) ) .Palette(new[] { "#00ced1", "#008000", "#ffd700", "#ff7f50" }) .OnSeriesClick(@<text> function(e) { var series =; if (series.isVisible()) { series.hide(); } else {; } } </text>) .Export(e => e.Enabled(true)) .Series(s => { s.Add().Name("Europe").ArgumentField("Total1").ValueField("Older1").SizeField("Perc1").TagField("Tag1"); s.Add().Name("Africa").ArgumentField("Total2").ValueField("Older2").SizeField("Perc2").TagField("Tag2"); s.Add().Name("Asia").ArgumentField("Total3").ValueField("Older3").SizeField("Perc3").TagField("Tag3"); s.Add().Name("North America").ArgumentField("Total4").ValueField("Older4").SizeField("Perc4").TagField("Tag4"); }) .DataSource(new object[] { new { Total1 = 9.5, Total2 = 168.8, Total3 = 127.2, Older1 = 2.4, Older2 = 8.8, Older3 = 40.1, Perc1 = 25.4, Perc2 = 5.3, Perc3 = 31.6, Tag1 = "Sweden", Tag2 = "Nigeria", Tag3 = "Japan" }, new { Total1 = 82.8, Total2 = 91.7, Total3 = 90.8, Older1 = 21.9, Older2 = 4.6, Older3 = 8.0, Perc1 = 26.7, Perc2 = 5.4, Perc3 = 8.9, Tag1 = "Germany", Tag2 = "Ethiopia", Tag3 = "Viet Nam" }, new { Total1 = 16.7, Total2 = 80.7, Total3 = 21.1, Older1 = 3.8, Older2 = 7.0, Older3 = 2.7, Perc1 = 22.8, Perc2 = 8.4, Perc3 = 12.9, Tag1 = "Netherlands", Tag2 = "Egypt", Tag3 = "Sri Lanka" }, new { Total1 = 62.8, Total2 = 52.4, Total3 = 96.7, Older1 = 14.4, Older2 = 4.0, Older3 = 5.9, Perc1 = 23.0, Perc2 = 7.8, Perc3 = 6.1, Tag1 = "United Kingdom", Tag2 = "South Africa", Tag3 = "Philippines" }, new { Total1 = 38.2, Total2 = 43.2, Total3 = 66.8, Older1 = 7.8, Older2 = 1.8, Older3 = 9.6, Perc1 = 20.4, Perc2 = 4.3, Perc3 = 13.7, Tag1 = "Poland", Tag2 = "Kenya", Tag3 = "Thailand" }, new { Total1 = 45.5, Total3 = 154.7, Total4 = 34.8, Older1 = 9.5, Older3 = 10.3, Older4 = 7.2, Perc1 = 21.1, Perc3 = 6.8, Perc4 = 20.8, Tag1 = "Ukraine", Tag3 = "Bangladesh", Tag4 = "Canada" }, new { Total1 = 143.2, Total4 = 120.8, Older1 = 26.5, Older4 = 11.0, Perc1 = 18.6, Perc4 = 9.5, Tag1 = "Russian Federation", Tag4 = "Mexico" } }) )
using DevExtreme.AspNet.Data; using DevExtreme.AspNet.Mvc; using DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Models.SampleData; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text.Json; using System.Web.Mvc; namespace DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Controllers { public class ChartsController : Controller { public ActionResult Bubble() { return View(); } } }
#chart { height: 440px; }