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Data Grid - Remote Reordering

This demo shows how to use drag-and-drop to reorder records stored on the server. This functionality requires that records' order indexes are in an individual data field (OrderIndex in this demo) and sorted against that field.

Row drag-and-drop is configured in the [rowDragging][3] object. Set [allowReordering][2] to true to enable this feature. When a row is dropped, the [onReorder][0] event handler is called. Use it to update the record's OrderIndex on the server.

Backend API

In this demo, we use the onReorder function's toIndex parameter to obtain the position at which a user dropped the row. The position is then used to get the new order index. The store's update method sends this index to the server where the records are sorted and returned to the client. Server-side implementation is available under the DataGridRowReorderingController.cs tab.