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Date Box - Overview

The DateBox editor helps users enter or modify date and time values.

Backend API

This demo illustrates the following DateBox properties:

  • value
    A value the DateBox displays.

  • type
    Specifies whether the DateBox allows users to select one of the following types:

    • "date"
      Users can select the date from the calendar, or they can type in their own date value (in the required format).

    • "time"
      Users can select a time from a range between 12:00 AM and 11:30 PM at 30-minute intervals, or they can type in their own time value (in the required format). Specify the interval property to set the time interval.

    • "datetime"
      Users can select the date from the calendar and the time from the spin and dropdown editors. They can also choose the Today button.

  • displayFormat
    A date/time display format. You can use one of the predefined formats or specify a custom format. This demo illustrates the latter.

  • pickerType
    Specifies the type of UI used to select a date or time. This demo shows how to change a calendar to a roller date picker.

  • showClearButton
    Specifies whether to display the button that clears the DateBox value.

  • disabled
    Specifies whether the DateBox responds to user interaction.

  • disabledDates
    Dates that are not available for selection.

  • applyValueMode
    Defines whether the selected value applies instantly or after a user clicks the Apply button.

To get started with the DevExtreme DateBox component, refer to the following tutorial for step-by-step instructions: Getting Started with DateBox.