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Backend API
using System.Web.Mvc;
using DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Models.SampleData;
namespace DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Controllers {
public class TreeListController : Controller {
public ActionResult CustomizeKeyboardNavigation() {
return View();
using DevExtreme.AspNet.Data;
using DevExtreme.AspNet.Mvc;
using DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Models.TreeList;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Formatting;
using System.Web.Http;
namespace DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Controllers.ApiControllers {
public class TreeListEmployeesController : ApiController {
InMemoryEmployeesDataContext db = new InMemoryEmployeesDataContext();
public HttpResponseMessage Get(DataSourceLoadOptions loadOptions) {
return Request.CreateResponse(DataSourceLoader.Load(db.Employees, loadOptions));
public HttpResponseMessage Post(FormDataCollection form) {
var values = form.Get("values");
var newEmployee = new Employee();
JsonConvert.PopulateObject(values, newEmployee);
return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ModelState.GetFullErrorMessage());
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, newEmployee);
public HttpResponseMessage Put(FormDataCollection form) {
var key = Convert.ToInt32(form.Get("key"));
var values = form.Get("values");
var employee = db.Employees.First(e => e.ID == key);
JsonConvert.PopulateObject(values, employee);
return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ModelState.GetFullErrorMessage());
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, employee);
public void Delete(FormDataCollection form) {
var key = Convert.ToInt32(form.Get("key"));
var employee = db.Employees.First(e => e.ID == key);
using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
namespace DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Models.TreeList {
public class Employee {
public int ID { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Head")]
public int HeadID { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string FullName { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Title")]
public string Prefix { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Position")]
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Department { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public string State { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
public int Zipcode { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string Skype { get; set; }
public string MobilePhone { get; set; }
public string HomePhone { get; set; }
public DateTime BirthDate { get; set; }
public DateTime HireDate { get; set; }
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Models.TreeList {
public class InMemoryEmployeesDataContext : InMemoryDataContext<Employee> {
public ICollection<Employee> Employees => ItemsInternal;
protected override IEnumerable<Employee> Source => SampleData.SampleData.TreeListEmployees;
protected override int GetKey(Employee item) => item.ID;
protected override void SetKey(Employee item, int key) => item.ID = key;
using DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Models.TreeList;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Models.SampleData {
public partial class SampleData {
public static readonly IEnumerable<Employee> TreeListEmployees = new[] {
new Employee {
ID = 1,
HeadID = 0,
FirstName = "John",
LastName = "Heart",
FullName = "John Heart",
MobilePhone = "(213) 555-9392",
Prefix = "Mr.",
Title ="CEO",
Department = "Management",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1964/03/16"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("1995/01/15"),
Email = "jheart@dx-email.com",
Address = "351 S Hill St.",
Zipcode = 90013,
HomePhone = "(213) 555-9208",
Skype = "jheart_DX_skype",
City = "Los Angeles",
State = "California"
new Employee {
ID = 2,
HeadID = 1,
FirstName = "Samantha",
LastName = "Bright",
FullName = "Samantha Bright",
MobilePhone = "(213) 555-2858",
Prefix = "Dr.",
Title ="COO",
Department = "Management",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1966/05/02"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2004/05/24"),
Email = "samanthab@dx-email.com",
Address = "5801 Wilshire Blvd.",
Zipcode = 90036,
HomePhone = "2135550288",
Skype = "samanthab_DX_skype",
City = "Los Angeles",
State = "California"
new Employee {
ID = 3,
HeadID = 1,
FirstName = "Arthur",
LastName = "Miller",
FullName = "Arthur Miller",
MobilePhone = "3105558583",
Prefix = "Mr.",
Title = "CTO",
Department = "Management",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1972/07/11"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2007/12/18"),
Email = "arthurm@dx-email.com",
Address = "3800 Homer St.",
Zipcode = 90031,
HomePhone = "3105556542",
Skype = "arthurm_DX_skype",
City = "Denver",
State = "Colorado"
new Employee {
ID = 4,
HeadID = 1,
FirstName = "Robert",
LastName = "Reagan",
FullName = "Robert Reagan",
MobilePhone = "8185552387",
Prefix = "Mr.",
Title = "CMO",
Department = "Management",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1974/09/07"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2002/11/08"),
Email = "robertr@dx-email.com",
Address = "4 Westmoreland Pl.",
Zipcode = 91103,
HomePhone = "8185552438",
Skype = "robertr_DX_skype",
City = "Bentonville",
State = "Arkansas"
new Employee {
ID = 5,
HeadID = 1,
FirstName = "Greta",
LastName = "Sims",
FullName = "Greta Sims",
MobilePhone = "8185556546",
Prefix = "Ms.",
Title = "HR Manager",
Department = "Human Resources",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1977/11/22"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("1998/04/23"),
Email = "gretas@dx-email.com",
Address = "1700 S Grandview Dr.",
Zipcode = 91803,
HomePhone = "8185550976",
Skype = "gretas_DX_skype",
City = "Atlanta",
State = "Georgia"
new Employee {
ID = 6,
HeadID = 3,
FirstName = "Brett",
LastName = "Wade",
FullName = "Brett Wade",
MobilePhone = "6265550358",
Prefix = "Mr.",
Title = "IT Manager",
Department = "IT",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1968/12/01"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2009/03/06"),
Email = "brettw@dx-email.com",
Address = "1120 Old Mill Rd.",
Zipcode = 91108,
HomePhone = "6265555985",
Skype = "brettw_DX_skype",
City = "Reno",
State = "Nevada"
new Employee {
ID = 7,
HeadID = 5,
FirstName = "Sandra",
LastName = "Johnson",
FullName = "Sandra Johnson",
MobilePhone = "5625552082",
Prefix = "Mrs.",
Title = "Controller",
Department = "Human Resources",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1974/11/15"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2005/05/11"),
Email = "sandraj@dx-email.com",
Address = "4600 N Virginia Rd.",
Zipcode = 90807,
HomePhone = "5625558272",
Skype = "sandraj_DX_skype",
City = "Beaver",
State = "Utah"
new Employee {
ID = 8,
HeadID = 4,
FirstName = "Edward",
LastName = "Holmes",
FullName = "Ed Holmes",
MobilePhone = "3105551288",
Prefix = "Dr.",
Title = "Sales Manager",
Department = "Sales",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1973/07/14"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2005/06/19"),
Email = "edwardh@dx-email.com",
Address = "23200 Pacific Coast Hwy",
Zipcode = 90265,
HomePhone = "3105556098",
Skype = "edwardh_DX_skype",
City = "Malibu",
State = "California"
new Employee {
ID = 9,
HeadID = 3,
FirstName = "Barbara",
LastName = "Banks",
FullName = "Barb Banks",
MobilePhone = "3105553355",
Prefix = "Mrs.",
Title = "Support Manager",
Department = "Support",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1979/04/14"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2002/08/07"),
Email = "barbarab@dx-email.com",
Address = "17985 Pacific Coast Hwy",
Zipcode = 90272,
HomePhone = "3105559792",
Skype = "barbarab_DX_skype",
City = "Phoenix",
State = "Arizona"
new Employee {
ID = 10,
HeadID = 2,
FirstName = "Kevin",
LastName = "Carter",
FullName = "Kevin Carter",
MobilePhone = "2135552840",
Prefix = "Mr.",
Title = "Shipping Manager",
Department = "Shipping",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1978/01/09"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2009/08/11"),
Email = "kevinc@dx-email.com",
Address = "424 N Main St.",
Zipcode = 90012,
HomePhone = "2135558038",
Skype = "kevinc_DX_skype",
City = "San Diego",
State = "California"
new Employee {
ID = 11,
HeadID = 5,
FirstName = "Cynthia",
LastName = "Stanwick",
FullName = "Cindy Stanwick",
MobilePhone = "8185556655",
Prefix = "Ms.",
Title = "HR Assistant",
Department = "Human Resources",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1985/06/05"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2008/03/24"),
Email = "cindys@dx-email.com",
Address = "2211 Bonita Dr.",
Zipcode = 91208,
HomePhone = "8185550828",
Skype = "cindys_DX_skype",
City = "Little Rock",
State = "Arkansas"
new Employee {
ID = 12,
HeadID = 8,
FirstName = "Sam",
LastName = "Hill",
FullName = "Sammy Hill",
MobilePhone = "6265557292",
Prefix = "Mr.",
Title = "Sales Assistant",
Department = "Sales",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1984/02/17"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2012/02/01"),
Email = "sammyh@dx-email.com",
Address = "645 Prospect Crescent",
Zipcode = 91103,
HomePhone = "6265543168",
Skype = "sammyh_DX_skype",
City = "Pasadena",
State = "California"
new Employee {
ID = 13,
HeadID = 10,
FirstName = "David",
LastName = "Jones",
FullName = "Davey Jones",
MobilePhone = "6265550281",
Prefix = "Mr.",
Title = "Shipping Assistant",
Department = "Shipping",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1983/03/06"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2011/04/24"),
Email = "davidj@dx-email.com",
Address = "391 S Orange Grove Blvd.",
Zipcode = 91184,
HomePhone = "6265554422",
Skype = "davidj_DX_skype",
City = "Pasadena",
State = "California"
new Employee {
ID = 14,
HeadID = 10,
FirstName = "Victor",
LastName = "Norris",
FullName = "Victor Norris",
MobilePhone = "2135559278",
Prefix = "Mr.",
Title = "Shipping Assistant",
Department = "Shipping",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1986/07/23"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2012/07/23"),
Email = "victorn@dx-email.com",
Address = "811 West 7th St.",
Zipcode = 90017,
HomePhone = "2135552827",
Skype = "victorn_DX_skype",
City = "Little Rock",
State = "Arkansas"
new Employee {
ID = 15,
HeadID = 10,
FirstName = "Mary",
LastName = "Stern",
FullName = "Mary Stern",
MobilePhone = "8185557857",
Prefix = "Ms.",
Title = "Shipping Assistant",
Department = "Shipping",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1982/04/08"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2012/08/12"),
Email = "marys@dx-email.com",
Address = "113 N Cedar St.",
Zipcode = 91206,
HomePhone = "8185558375",
Skype = "marys_DX_skype",
City = "Beaver",
State = "Utah"
new Employee {
ID = 16,
HeadID = 10,
FirstName = "Robin",
LastName = "Cosworth",
FullName = "Robin Cosworth",
MobilePhone = "8185550942",
Prefix = "Mrs.",
Title = "Shipping Assistant",
Department = "Shipping",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1981/06/12"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2012/09/01"),
Email = "robinc@dx-email.com",
Address = "501 N Main St.",
Zipcode = 90012,
HomePhone = "8185559266",
Skype = "robinc_DX_skype",
City = "Los Angeles",
State = "California"
new Employee {
ID = 17,
HeadID = 9,
FirstName = "Kelly",
LastName = "Rodriguez",
FullName = "Kelly Rodriguez",
MobilePhone = "8185559248",
Prefix = "Ms.",
Title = "Support Assistant",
Department = "Support",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1988/05/11"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2012/10/13"),
Email = "kellyr@dx-email.com",
Address = "1601 W Mountain St.",
Zipcode = 91201,
HomePhone = "8185559792",
Skype = "kellyr_DX_skype",
City = "Boise",
State = "Idaho"
new Employee {
ID = 18,
HeadID = 9,
FirstName = "James",
LastName = "Anderson",
FullName = "James Anderson",
MobilePhone = "3235554702",
Prefix = "Mr.",
Title = "Support Assistant",
Department = "Support",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1987/01/29"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2012/10/18"),
Email = "jamesa@dx-email.com",
Address = "4800 Hollywood Blvd",
Zipcode = 90027,
HomePhone = "3235552087",
Skype = "jamesa_DX_skype",
City = "Atlanta",
State = "Georgia"
new Employee {
ID = 19,
HeadID = 9,
FirstName = "Anthony",
LastName = "Remmen",
FullName = "Antony Remmen",
MobilePhone = "3105556625",
Prefix = "Mr.",
Title = "Support Assistant",
Department = "Support",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1986/02/19"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2013/01/19"),
Email = "anthonyr@dx-email.com",
Address = "1542 S Beacon St",
Zipcode = 90731,
HomePhone = "3105550009",
Skype = "anthonyr_DX_skype",
City = "Boise",
State = "Idaho"
new Employee {
ID = 20,
HeadID = 8,
FirstName = "Olivia",
LastName = "Peyton",
FullName = "Olivia Peyton",
MobilePhone = "3105552728",
Prefix = "Mrs.",
Title = "Sales Assistant",
Department = "Sales",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1981/06/03"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2012/05/14"),
Email = "oliviap@dx-email.com",
Address = "807 W Paseo Del Mar",
Zipcode = 90731,
HomePhone = "3105558247",
Skype = "oliviap_DX_skype",
City = "Atlanta",
State = "Georgia"
new Employee {
ID = 21,
HeadID = 6,
FirstName = "Taylor",
LastName = "Riley",
FullName = "Taylor Riley",
MobilePhone = "3105557276",
Prefix = "Mr.",
Title = "Network Admin",
Department = "IT",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1982/08/14"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2012/04/14"),
Email = "taylorr@dx-email.com",
Address = "7776 Torreyson Dr",
Zipcode = 90046,
HomePhone = "3105552134",
Skype = "taylorr_DX_skype",
City = "San Jose",
State = "California"
new Employee {
ID = 22,
HeadID = 6,
FirstName = "Amelia",
LastName = "Harper",
FullName = "Amelia Harper",
MobilePhone = "2135554276",
Prefix = "Mrs.",
Title = "Network Admin",
Department = "IT",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1983/11/19"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2011/02/10"),
Email = "ameliah@dx-email.com",
Address = "527 W 7th St",
Zipcode = 90014,
HomePhone = "2135553792",
Skype = "ameliah_DX_skype",
City = "Los Angeles",
State = "California"
new Employee {
ID = 23,
HeadID = 6,
FirstName = "Walter",
LastName = "Hobbs",
FullName = "Wally Hobbs",
MobilePhone = "8185558872",
Prefix = "Mr.",
Title = "Programmer",
Department = "IT",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1984/12/24"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2011/02/17"),
Email = "wallyh@dx-email.com",
Address = "10385 Shadow Oak Dr",
Zipcode = 91311,
HomePhone = "8185552478",
Skype = "wallyh_DX_skype",
City = "Chatsworth",
State = "California"
new Employee {
ID = 24,
HeadID = 6,
FirstName = "Bradley",
LastName = "Jameson",
FullName = "Brad Jameson",
MobilePhone = "8185554646",
Prefix = "Mr.",
Title = "Programmer",
Department = "IT",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1988/10/12"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2011/03/02"),
Email = "bradleyj@dx-email.com",
Address = "1100 Pico St",
Zipcode = 91340,
HomePhone = "8185559098",
Skype = "bradleyj_DX_skype",
City = "San Fernando",
State = "California"
new Employee {
ID = 25,
HeadID = 6,
FirstName = "Karen",
LastName = "Goodson",
FullName = "Karen Goodson",
MobilePhone = "6265550908",
Prefix = "Miss",
Title = "Programmer",
Department = "IT",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1987/04/26"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2011/03/14"),
Email = "kareng@dx-email.com",
Address = "309 Monterey Rd",
Zipcode = 91030,
HomePhone = "6265550822",
Skype = "kareng_DX_skype",
City = "South Pasadena",
State = "California"
new Employee {
ID = 26,
HeadID = 5,
FirstName = "Marcus",
LastName = "Orbison",
FullName = "Marcus Orbison",
MobilePhone = "2135557098",
Prefix = "Mr.",
Title = "Travel Coordinator",
Department = "Human Resources",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1982/03/02"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2005/05/19"),
Email = "marcuso@dx-email.com",
Address = "501 N Main St",
Zipcode = 90012,
HomePhone = "2135552608",
Skype = "marcuso_DX_skype",
City = "Los Angeles",
State = "California"
new Employee {
ID = 27,
HeadID = 5,
FirstName = "Sandra",
LastName = "Bright",
FullName = "Sandy Bright",
MobilePhone = "8185550524",
Prefix = "Ms.",
Title = "Benefits Coordinator",
Department = "Human Resources",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1983/09/11"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2005/06/04"),
Email = "sandrab@dx-email.com",
Address = "7570 McGroarty Ter",
Zipcode = 91042,
HomePhone = "8185555072",
Skype = "sandrab_DX_skype",
City = "Denver",
State = "Colorado"
new Employee {
ID = 28,
HeadID = 6,
FirstName = "Morgan",
LastName = "Kennedy",
FullName = "Morgan Kennedy",
MobilePhone = "8185558238",
Prefix = "Mrs.",
Title = "Graphic Designer",
Department = "IT",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1984/07/17"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2012/01/11"),
Email = "morgank@dx-email.com",
Address = "11222 Dilling St",
Zipcode = 91604,
HomePhone = "8185553973",
Skype = "morgank_DX_skype",
City = "San Fernando Valley",
State = "California"
new Employee {
ID = 29,
HeadID = 28,
FirstName = "Violet",
LastName = "Bailey",
FullName = "Violet Bailey",
MobilePhone = "8185552478",
Prefix = "Ms.",
Title = "Jr Graphic Designer",
Department = "IT",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1985/06/10"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2012/01/19"),
Email = "violetb@dx-email.com",
Address = "1418 Descanso Dr",
Zipcode = 91011,
HomePhone = "8185553085",
Skype = "violetb_DX_skype",
City = "La Canada",
State = "California"
new Employee {
ID = 30,
HeadID = 5,
FirstName = "Kent",
LastName = "Samuelson",
FullName = "Ken Samuelson",
MobilePhone = "5625559282",
Prefix = "Dr.",
Title = "Ombudsman",
Department = "Human Resources",
BirthDate = DateTime.Parse("1972/09/11"),
HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2009/04/22"),
Email = "kents@dx-email.com",
Address = "12100 Mora Dr",
Zipcode = 90670,
HomePhone = "5625559248",
Skype = "kents_DX_skype",
City = "St. Louis",
State = "Missouri"
#employees {
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