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Data Grid - Header and Footer

ExcelJS library allows you to customize worksheets outside the exported cell area. This demo uses this functionality to add a header (a title before exported data) and a footer (a note after exported data).

Review the onExporting handler to see the data export code. The functions that create header and footer sections utilize the following customization features:
Backend API
@using DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Models @model IEnumerable<CountryPopulationAndGDP> @section ExternalDependencies { <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> } <div class="long-title"><h3>Country Area, Population, and GDP Structure</h3></div> @(Html.DevExtreme().DataGrid<CountryPopulationAndGDP>() .ID("gridContainer") .DataSource(Model, "ID") .Export(e => e.Enabled(true)) .ShowBorders(true) .OnExporting("exporting") .Columns(c => { c.AddFor(m => m.Country); c.AddFor(m => m.Area); c.Add() .Caption("Population") .Columns(a => { a.AddFor(m => m.Population_Total) .Format(Format.FixedPoint); a.AddFor(m => m.Population_Urban) .Format(Format.Percent); }); c.Add() .Caption("Nominal GDP") .Columns(a => { a.AddFor(m => m.GDP_Total) .Format(Format.FixedPoint) .SortOrder(SortOrder.Desc); a.Add() .Caption("By Sector") .Columns(b => { b.AddFor(m => m.GDP_Agriculture) .Width(95) .Format(f => f.Type(Format.Percent).Precision(1)); b.AddFor(m => m.GDP_Industry) .Width(80) .Format(f => f.Type(Format.Percent).Precision(1)); b.AddFor(m => m.GDP_Services) .Width(85) .Format(f => f.Type(Format.Percent).Precision(1)); }); }); }) ) <script> function exporting(e) { var workbook = new ExcelJS.Workbook(); var worksheet = workbook.addWorksheet('CountriesPopulation'); DevExpress.excelExporter.exportDataGrid({ component: e.component, worksheet: worksheet, topLeftCell: { row: 4, column: 1 } }).then(function (dataGridRange) { // header var headerRow = worksheet.getRow(2); headerRow.height = 30; worksheet.mergeCells(2, 1, 2, 8); headerRow.getCell(1).value = 'Country Area, Population, and GDP Structure'; headerRow.getCell(1).font = { name: 'Segoe UI Light', size: 22 }; headerRow.getCell(1).alignment = { horizontal: 'center' }; // footer var footerRowIndex = + 2; var footerRow = worksheet.getRow(footerRowIndex); worksheet.mergeCells(footerRowIndex, 1, footerRowIndex, 8); footerRow.getCell(1).value = ''; footerRow.getCell(1).font = { color: { argb: 'BFBFBF' }, italic: true }; footerRow.getCell(1).alignment = { horizontal: 'right' }; }).then(function () { workbook.xlsx.writeBuffer().then(function (buffer) { saveAs(new Blob([buffer], { type: 'application/octet-stream' }), 'CountriesPopulation.xlsx'); }); }); } </script>
using DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Models; using DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Models.DataGrid; using DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Models.SampleData; using System; using System.Linq; using System.Web.Mvc; namespace DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Controllers { public class DataGridController : Controller { public ActionResult ExcelJSHeaderAndFooter() { return View(SampleData.CountriesPopulationAndGDP); } } }
using System.Collections.Generic; namespace DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Models.SampleData { public partial class SampleData { public static readonly IEnumerable<CountryPopulationAndGDP> CountriesPopulationAndGDP = new[] { new CountryPopulationAndGDP { ID = 1, Country = "Brazil", Area = 8515767, Population_Urban = 0.85, Population_Rural = 0.15, Population_Total = 205809000, GDP_Agriculture = 0.054, GDP_Industry = 0.274, GDP_Services = 0.672, GDP_Total = 2353025 }, new CountryPopulationAndGDP { ID = 2, Country = "China", Area = 9388211, Population_Urban = 0.54, Population_Rural = 0.46, Population_Total = 1375530000, GDP_Agriculture = 0.091, GDP_Industry = 0.426, GDP_Services = 0.483, GDP_Total = 10380380 }, new CountryPopulationAndGDP { ID = 3, Country = "France", Area = 675417, Population_Urban = 0.79, Population_Rural = 0.21, Population_Total = 64529000, GDP_Agriculture = 0.019, GDP_Industry = 0.183, GDP_Services = 0.798, GDP_Total = 2846889 }, new CountryPopulationAndGDP { ID = 4, Country = "Germany", Area = 357021, Population_Urban = 0.75, Population_Rural = 0.25, Population_Total = 81459000, GDP_Agriculture = 0.008, GDP_Industry = 0.281, GDP_Services = 0.711, GDP_Total = 3859547 }, new CountryPopulationAndGDP { ID = 5, Country = "India", Area = 3287590, Population_Urban = 0.32, Population_Rural = 0.68, Population_Total = 1286260000, GDP_Agriculture = 0.174, GDP_Industry = 0.258, GDP_Services = 0.569, GDP_Total = 2047811 }, new CountryPopulationAndGDP { ID = 6, Country = "Italy", Area = 301230, Population_Urban = 0.69, Population_Rural = 0.31, Population_Total = 60676361, GDP_Agriculture = 0.02, GDP_Industry = 0.242, GDP_Services = 0.738, GDP_Total = 2147952 }, new CountryPopulationAndGDP { ID = 7, Country = "Japan", Area = 377835, Population_Urban = 0.93, Population_Rural = 0.07, Population_Total = 126920000, GDP_Agriculture = 0.012, GDP_Industry = 0.275, GDP_Services = 0.714, GDP_Total = 4616335 }, new CountryPopulationAndGDP { ID = 8, Country = "Russia", Area = 17098242, Population_Urban = 0.74, Population_Rural = 0.26, Population_Total = 146544710, GDP_Agriculture = 0.039, GDP_Industry = 0.36, GDP_Services = 0.601, GDP_Total = 1857461 }, new CountryPopulationAndGDP { ID = 9, Country = "United States", Area = 9147420, Population_Urban = 0.81, Population_Rural = 0.19, Population_Total = 323097000, GDP_Agriculture = 0.0112, GDP_Industry = 0.191, GDP_Services = 0.797, GDP_Total = 17418925 }, new CountryPopulationAndGDP { ID = 10, Country = "United Kingdom", Area = 244820, Population_Urban = 0.82, Population_Rural = 0.18, Population_Total = 65097000, GDP_Agriculture = 0.007, GDP_Industry = 0.21, GDP_Services = 0.783, GDP_Total = 2945146 } }; } }
#gridContainer sup { font-size: 0.8em; vertical-align: super; line-height: 0; } .long-title h3 { font-family: 'Segoe UI Light', 'Helvetica Neue Light', 'Segoe UI', 'Helvetica Neue', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana; font-weight: 200; font-size: 28px; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px; }