Data Grid
- Overview
Data Binding
Paging and Scrolling
Filtering and Sorting
- Focused Row
Row Drag & Drop
- State Persistence
Data Summaries
Export to PDF
Export to Excel
- Keyboard Navigation
Pivot Grid
- Overview
Data Binding
Field Chooser
Export to Excel
Tree List
- Overview
Data Binding
- Sorting
- Paging
- Node Drag & Drop
- Focused Row
Column Customization
- State Persistence
- Adaptability
- Keyboard Navigation
Card View
- Overview
Data Binding
- Virtual Scrolling
- Adaptability
Html Editor
- Overview
Data Binding
Featured Shapes
Custom Shapes
Document Capabilities
User Interaction
- UI Customization
- Adaptability
- Overview
Data Binding
Area Charts
Bar Charts
- Bullet Charts
Doughnut Charts
Financial Charts
Line Charts
Pie Charts
Point Charts
Polar and Radar Charts
Range Charts
Sparkline Charts
Tree Map
Funnel and Pyramid Charts
- Sankey Chart
More Features
- Overview
UI Customization
- Strip Lines
- Export to PDF
- Sorting
- Overview
Data Binding
Bar Gauge
Circular Gauge
Linear Gauge
- Overview
- Accordion
- Multi View
Tab Panel
- Stepper
- Pagination
Tree View
- Right-to-Left Support
Tile View
- Splitter
- Scroll View
- Resizable
- Overview
- Autocomplete
- Check Box
- Color Box
- Date Box
Date Range Box
Drop Down Box
Number Box
Select Box
- Switch
Tag Box
- Text Area
- Text Box
- Validation
- Custom Text Editor Buttons
- Right-to-Left Support
- Editor Appearance Variants
Forms and Multi-Purpose
- Overview
- Button Group
- Field Set
Filter Builder
- Radio Group
Range Selector
- Numeric Scale (Lightweight)
- Numeric Scale
- Date-Time Scale (Lightweight)
- Date-Time Scale
- Logarithmic Scale
- Discrete scale
- Custom Formatting
- Use Range Selection for Calculation
- Use Range Selection for Filtering
- Image on Background
- Chart on Background
- Customized Chart on Background
- Chart on Background with Series Template
- Range Slider
- Slider
File Management
File Manager
- Overview
File System Types
File Uploader
Actions and Lists
- Overview
Vector Map
Dialogs and Notifications
Charts - Candlestick
The Candlestick financial chart is designed to communicate trading patterns over a short period of time. A single data point on a Candlestick series displays variations in stock prices over the course of a day.
You can use the Candlestick type for an individual series or specify the type in the commonSeriesSettings object for all series in the Chart. Use the commonSeriesSettings.candlestick object to configure properties of the Chart Candlestick series.
If you have technical questions, please create a support ticket in the DevExpress Support Center.
.Title("Stock Price")
.CommonSeriesSettings(s => s
.Legend(l => l.ItemTextPosition(Position.Left))
.Series(s => s
.Reduction(r => r.Color("red"))
.ValueAxis(a => a
.Title(t => t.Text("US dollars"))
.Label(l => l.Format(f => f
.ArgumentAxis(a => a
.Label(l => l.Format(Format.ShortDate))
.Export(e => e.Enabled(true))
.Tooltip(t => t
function (arg) {
return {
text: "Open: $" + arg.openValue + "<br />" +
"Close: $" + arg.closeValue + "<br />" +
"High: $" + arg.highValue + "<br />" +
"Low: $" + arg.lowValue + "<br />"
using DevExtreme.AspNet.Data;
using DevExtreme.AspNet.Mvc;
using DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Models.SampleData;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Controllers {
public class ChartsController : Controller {
public ActionResult Candlestick() {
return View(SampleData.FinancialData);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Models.SampleData {
public partial class SampleData {
public static readonly IEnumerable<object> FinancialData = new[]{
new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 1), L = 24.00, H = 25.00, O = 25.00, C = 24.875 },
new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 2), L = 23.625, H = 25.125, O = 24.00, C = 24.875 },
new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 3), L = 26.25, H = 28.25, O = 26.75, C = 27.00 },
new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 4), L = 26.50, H = 27.875, O = 26.875, C = 27.25 },
new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 7), L = 26.375, H = 27.50, O = 27.375, C = 26.75 },
new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 8), L = 25.75, H = 26.875, O = 26.75, C = 26.00 },
new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 9), L = 25.75, H = 26.75, O = 26.125, C = 26.25 },
new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 10), L = 25.75, H = 26.375, O = 26.375, C = 25.875 },
new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 11), L = 24.875, H = 26.125, O = 26.00, C = 25.375 },
new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 14), L = 25.125, H = 26.00, O = 25.625, C = 25.75 },
new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 15), L = 25.875, H = 26.625, O = 26.125, C = 26.375 },
new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 16), L = 26.25, H = 27.375, O = 26.25, C = 27.25 },
new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 17), L = 26.875, H = 27.25, O = 27.125, C = 26.875 },
new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 18), L = 26.375, H = 27.125, O = 27.00, C = 27.125 },
new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 21), L = 26.75, H = 27.875, O = 26.875, C = 27.75 },
new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 22), L = 26.75, H = 28.375, O = 27.50, C = 27.00 },
new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 23), L = 26.875, H = 28.125, O = 27.00, C = 28.00 },
new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 24), L = 26.25, H = 27.875, O = 27.75, C = 27.625 },
new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 25), L = 27.50, H = 28.75, O = 27.75, C = 28.00 },
new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 28), L = 25.75, H = 28.25, O = 28.00, C = 27.25 },
new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 29), L = 26.375, H = 27.50, O = 27.50, C = 26.875 },
new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 30), L = 25.75, H = 27.50, O = 26.375, C = 26.25 },
new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 31), L = 24.75, H = 27.00, O = 26.50, C = 25.25 }
#chart {
height: 440px;
In Candlestick series, each point consists of a rectangle (body) and a vertical line (shadow, wick, or tail). The top and bottom values of a vertical line correspond to the highest and lowest prices of the stock, respectively. Use the highValueField and lowValueField properties to specify data source fields for these prices.
The bottom and topmost values of the point's body correspond to the opening and closing price of a stock. To specify these prices, use the openValueField and closeValueField properties. If the stock closes higher than its opening price, no color fills the body; if the stock closes lower than its opening price, the Chart applies a color fill to the body.
To reflect changes on the market, the Chart component compares the price of every point with the price of the previous point. The Chart paints the points whose price has decreased in a specific reduction color. To change color of other points, use the series.color property; you can also specify the series.innerColor property to fill these points' bodies with color. To switch between high, low, open, or close prices of points as sources for data comparison, use the series.reduction.level property.
Apply the following settings to make your chart more user-friendly:
- tooltip.contentTemplate - specifies a custom tooltip template so you can display additional information, such as price values.
- argumentAxis.workdaysOnly - displays only work days on the argument axis.