using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Controllers {
public class SplitterController : Controller {
public ActionResult Overview() {
return View();
To specify individual splitter panes, set the items or dataSource property. Use dataSource if data is remote or should be processed. If you specify multiple panes, they will appear one after another with splitters between them.
The following base options are available for a pane:
resizable (default: true)
If true, a handle appears at the side of the pane. Drag the handle to adjust pane size.
collapsible (default: false)
If true, an arrow appears on the handle. Click the arrow to close the pane.
collapsed (default: false)
Specifies whether the pane is initially collapsed.
To configure the layout of the Splitter component, you can specify its orientation as 'vertical' or 'horizontal' (default). All Splitter "size" properties depend on the orientation. If it is 'horizontal', "size" is the width. Otherwise, it is height. The following pane "size" properties can be specified:
Minimum width/height for a resizable pane.
Maximum width/height for a resizable pane.
The width/height of a collapsible pane when collapsed.
You can also place one Splitter inside another to create nested layouts. To do so, use the pane's splitter property.
Splitter panes can include different content types, from simple HTML markup to components. You can declare HTML markup inside the item tag or use the following properties to populate panes with content:
Specifies a custom template for all panes.
Specifies a custom template for an individual pane.