You can implement a custom rule via the CodeRule attribute. Code rules are usually designed for the following purposes: - to check an object using a highly tailored algorithm; - to apply a rule to an object that is implemented in a referenced assembly, without using the Model Editor. Here, a custom rule is implemented for the CodeRuleObject type objects. It uses the following algorithm to check objects: - if PersonName is not specified, a validation error is raised; - if PersonName is specified, Sex is set to Male, but TitleOfCourtesy is not set to "Mr", a validation error is raised; - if PersonName is specified, Sex is set to Female, but TitleOfCourtesy is set to "Mr", a validation error is raised; - in other cases, the rule is valid. For each case a rule is broken, a message template is specified to be written in the Validation Error window. This rule is checked when saving an object.
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