
Layout Item Properties Formatting

The ConditionalAppearance module allows you to declare conditional appearance rules to customize the font style and color of the text displayed by Layout Items:
- the style of the TargetFormattingProperty Property Editor caption is based on the FontStyle property value;
- the color of the TargetFormattingProperty Property Editor caption is based on the Priority property value;
- the background color of TargetFormattingProperty Property Editor caption is red when the Severity property is set to 'Severe'.
Name AscendingNot filtered
Severity Not filtered
Priority Not filtered
Font Style Not filtered
Target Formatting Property Not filtered
EditFormatAppearanceObject1ModerateNormalRegularRed group caption
EditFormatAppearanceObject2ModerateNormalBoldTarget formatting property caption (bold)
EditFormatAppearanceObject3ModerateNormalItalicTarget formatting property caption (italic)
EditFormatAppearanceObject4ModerateNormalStrikeoutTarget formatting property caption (strikeout)
EditFormatAppearanceObject5SevereNormalRegularTarget formatting property caption (back color is Red)
EditFormatAppearanceObject6ModerateLowRegularTarget formatting property caption (font color is Blue)
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