
Test with Boolean Property

The RuleFromBoolProperty attribute demands that a particular object satisfy a specific complex criteria. The criteria is introduced by a Boolean property, which is usually non-persistent. Here, the following properties apply this rule:
- The IsComplexExpressionValid property returns true if the MustBeTrue property is set to true, the length of the LengthMoreThan10 property value is more than 10 and the ContainsValid property value contains "Valid". To highlight properties with incorrect data, their names are passed as the UsedProperties parameter in the RuleFromBoolProperty attribute.
- The IsFullStringValid property returns true if the FullString property value represents a concatenation of the LeftPart, MiddlePart and RightPart property values.
To check this rule, save the current object.
Name AscendingNot filtered
Contains Valid Not filtered
Length More Than 10 Not filtered
Must Be True Not filtered
Is Complex Expression Valid Not filtered
Left Part Not filtered
Right Part Not filtered
Middle Part Not filtered
Full String Not filtered
Is Full String Valid Not filtered
EditInvalid RuleFromBoolPropertyObjectSome textToo shortDeveloper Inc.Express Wrong FullString text
EditValid RuleFromBoolPropertyObjectSome Valid textThis text is longer than 10 charactersDeveloper Inc.Express Developer Express Inc.
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