Simple rule settings can be easily specified: - RuleRange, applied to the NotFromZeroToTen property. This rule is inverted. It's broken when the property's value is outside the (0,10) interval. For this purpose, InvertResult is set to true. - RuleStringComparison, applied to the DoesNotContainABC property. This rule is inverted to be broken when the property value doesn't contain "ABC". For this purpose, InvertResult, IgnoreCase and SkipNullOrEmptyValues are set to true. - RuleRequiredField, applied to the RequiredField property. This rule is checked if only the following complex criteria is satisfied by the object: "DoesNotContainABC like '%XYZ%' AND NotFromZeroToTen > 5". This criteria is set for TargetCriteria. All these rules are checked when saving an object.