
Task With Notifications

This example demonstrates how the Notifications module works with the custom ‘Task’ business class without the use of the Scheduler module. Initially, a notification window containing two reminders is invoked (one for a task in the past, the other for the task that starts in five minutes). The third task starts in 10 minutes, so the initial notification window does not include it. You can add more tasks (note that reminders are refreshed every minute).
Subject AscendingNot filtered
Due Date Not filtered
Start Date Not filtered
Status Not filtered
Percent Completed Not filtered
Date Completed Not filtered
Reminder Time Not filtered
EditMark CompletedFuture Task With Reminder2/25/20252/25/2025Not started0 5 minutes
EditMark CompletedNow Task With Reminder2/25/20252/25/2025Not started0 5 minutes
EditMark CompletedPast Task With Reminder2/13/20252/15/2025Not started0 10 minutes
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