This demo illustrates some of the features available to you when using the ASPxSiteMapControl.
The ASPxSiteMapControl allows you to display site map data across multiple columns. These can be defined by using the Columns property. When the ColumnCount property equals 0, then a single column will be displayed (by default). If the ColumnCount is greater than the number of nodes of the top (zero-based) hierarchy level, then the number of top level nodes will be used.
In order to define the depth of the displayed site map data (the number of nesting levels displayed), the MaximumDislpayLevels property can be used. By default, this property is set to 0 which means that all nesting levels are displayed.
RepeatDirection specifies the direction in which categories of a control are displayed. Horizontal specifies that the categories of a control are displayed in rows loaded from left to right, then top to bottom, until all categories are rendered. Vertical specifies that the categories of a control are displayed in columns loaded from top to bottom, then left to right, until all items are rendered.