Card View - Overview

The DevExpress Bootstrap Card View is a full-featured data presentation control that renders itself using Bootstrap CSS classes. It fully supports data editing and delivers numerous end-user data shaping features, including facilities for end-user data filtering and sorting. Total summaries are also available out-of-the box.

Issue Details

Accounting System: MasterView
#2 Fixed

Reported by Jerry Campbell ( Thursday, July 1, 2004 at at 12:00 AM in Home-Office Accounting System

When entering a new transaction into the Accounting system, MasterView nodes collapse.

The layouts of separate Card View's visual elements are customizable using templates.

The Card View has been designed to work with large data sources and supports data binding in server mode. In this mode, it only loads the records to be displayed on screen and delegates all data processing to the database server.

The Card View control automatically splits content across multiple pages and a built-in pager enables end-users to navigate through data.

Extensive server-side and client-side APIs cover multiple popular customization scenarios and gives you full control over the Card View's behavior and presentation.

Screen Size
Color Themes
Demo QR Code
Client-Side API