Binding to Large Database (Server Mode)

The Card View control supports binding to data in the server mode using the EntityServerModeDataSource component. In this mode, the Grid View loads only the minimum amount of data required for display on screen and delegates all data processing (such as grouping and sorting) to the database server. This technique significantly reduces the application's response time when working with large data sets.

Bert Parkins
Email Attachments. Is it possible to add multiple attachments? I haven't found a way to do this.
Tom Hamlett
Payables Due Calculator is ready for testing.
Tom Hamlett
Email Attachments. Is it possible to add multiple attachments? I haven't found a way to do this.
Ray Shipman
Integrating Developer Express MasterView control into an Accounting System.
<dx:BootstrapCardView ClientInstanceName="cardView" runat="server" DataSourceID="EntityServerModeDataSource" KeyFieldName="ID">
        <dx:BootstrapCardViewColumn FieldName="From" />
        <dx:BootstrapCardViewColumn FieldName="Subject" />
        <dx:BootstrapCardViewDateColumn FieldName="Sent" />
        <dx:BootstrapCardViewColumn FieldName="Size" />
        <dx:BootstrapCardViewCheckColumn FieldName="HasAttachment">
            <dx:BootstrapCardViewColumnLayoutItem ColumnName="From" />
            <dx:BootstrapCardViewColumnLayoutItem ColumnName="Size" />
            <dx:BootstrapCardViewColumnLayoutItem ColumnName="Sent" />
            <dx:BootstrapCardViewColumnLayoutItem ColumnName="Subject" />
            <dx:BootstrapCardViewColumnLayoutItem ColumnName="HasAttachment" Caption="Attachment" />
    <Settings ShowHeaderPanel="true" />
    <SettingsPager NumericButtonCount="6" ItemsPerPage="4">
        <PageSizeItemSettings Visible="true" Items="2,4,8,16" />
    <SettingsLayout CardColSpanLg="6" CardColSpanSm="12" />
<dx:EntityServerModeDataSource ID="EntityServerModeDataSource" runat="server" ContextTypeName="DevExpress.Web.Demos.LargeDatabaseContext" TableName="Emails" />
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Client-Side API