Date Navigator
This demo illustrates how to use the BootstrapSchedulerDateNavigator control to select the visible date interval.
The MasterControlID property is used to associate the stand-alone Date Navigator control with a scheduler. The Properties property provides access to the Date Navigator control's basic settings.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr |
May | Jun | Jul | Aug |
Sep | Oct | | |
| Lincoln Bartlett (Therapy) | | | |
<dx:BootstrapSchedulerDateNavigator runat="server" MasterControlID="SchedulerDateNavigator">
<Properties AppointmentDatesHighlightMode="Labels"></Properties>
<Properties Rows="2" />
<dx:BootstrapScheduler ID="SchedulerDateNavigator" runat="server" ActiveViewType="Day" GroupType="Resource"
AppointmentDataSourceID="AppointmentDataSource" ResourceDataSourceID="efResourceDataSource" Width="70%">
<DayView ResourcesPerPage="1">
<OptionsBehavior ShowViewSelector="false" />
<SettingsPager EnableResourceComboBox="false" EnableIncreaseDecrease="false" />
Resource Navigator
This demo illustrates how to use the BootstrapSchedulerResourceNavigator control to select the visible resources.
The MasterControlID property is used to associate the stand-alone Resource Navigator control with a scheduler.
The resource navigator control supports two modes - pager and tokens. You can specify the desired mode using the master scheduler's OptionsResourceNavigator.Mode property.
Use the SettingsPager and SettingsTokens properties to configure the Resource Navigator's display settings.
| Lincoln Bartlett (Therapy) | | | | | | | | | | | |
<dx:BootstrapSchedulerResourceNavigator runat="server" MasterControlID="SchedulerResourceNavigator">
<dx:BootstrapScheduler ID="SchedulerResourceNavigator" runat="server" ActiveViewType="Day" GroupType="Resource"
AppointmentDataSourceID="AppointmentDataSource" ResourceDataSourceID="efResourceDataSource">
<DayView ResourcesPerPage="3">
<OptionsBehavior ShowViewSelector="false" />
<OptionsResourceNavigator Visibility="Never" Mode="Tokens" />
View Navigator
This demo illustrates how to use the BootstrapSchedulerViewNavigator control to navigate between the current view's pages.
The MasterControlID property is used to associate the stand-alone View Navigator control with a scheduler.
| Lincoln Bartlett (Therapy) | | | |
<dx:BootstrapSchedulerViewNavigator runat="server" MasterControlID="SchedulerViewNavigator">
<dx:BootstrapScheduler ID="SchedulerViewNavigator" runat="server" ActiveViewType="Day" GroupType="Resource"
AppointmentDataSourceID="AppointmentDataSource" ResourceDataSourceID="efResourceDataSource">
<OptionsViewNavigator ShowTodayButton="true" ShowGotoDateButton="true" />
<DayView ResourcesPerPage="1">
<OptionsBehavior ShowViewSelector="false" ShowViewNavigator="false" />
<SettingsPager EnableResourceComboBox="false" EnableIncreaseDecrease="false" />
View Selector
This demo illustrates how to use the BootstrapSchedulerViewSelector control to change the active view.
the MasterControlID property is used to connect the standalone view selector control to a scheduler control. The selectors buttons can be arranged vertically by setting the ButtonsRepeatDirection property value to Vertical.
| Lincoln Bartlett (Therapy) | | | | | | | | | | | |
<dx:BootstrapSchedulerViewSelector runat="server" MasterControlID="SchedulerViewSelector">
<dx:BootstrapScheduler ID="SchedulerViewSelector" runat="server" ActiveViewType="Day" GroupType="Resource"
AppointmentDataSourceID="AppointmentDataSource" ResourceDataSourceID="efResourceDataSource">
<DayView ResourcesPerPage="2" DayCount="2">
<WorkWeekView ResourcesPerPage="1">
<FullWeekView ResourcesPerPage="1" Enabled="true">
<WeekView ResourcesPerPage="1">
<MonthView ResourcesPerPage="1">
<TimelineView ResourcesPerPage="2" IntervalCount="5">
<AgendaView ScrollAreaHeight="600">
<OptionsBehavior ShowViewSelector="false" />
<SettingsPager EnableResourceComboBox="false" EnableIncreaseDecrease="false" />