Date Navigator
This demo illustrates how to use the BootstrapSchedulerDateNavigator control to select the visible date interval.
The MasterControlID property is used to associate the stand-alone Date Navigator control with a scheduler. The Properties property provides access to the Date Navigator control's basic settings.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr |
May | Jun | Jul | Aug |
Sep | Oct | | |
| Lincoln Bartlett (Therapy) | | Monday, October 10 | |
<dx:BootstrapSchedulerDateNavigator runat="server" MasterControlID="SchedulerDateNavigator">
<Properties AppointmentDatesHighlightMode="Labels"></Properties>
<Properties Rows="2" />
<dx:BootstrapScheduler ID="SchedulerDateNavigator" runat="server" ActiveViewType="Day" GroupType="Resource"
AppointmentDataSourceID="AppointmentDataSource" ResourceDataSourceID="efResourceDataSource" Width="70%">
<DayView ResourcesPerPage="1">
<OptionsBehavior ShowViewSelector="false" />
<SettingsPager EnableResourceComboBox="false" EnableIncreaseDecrease="false" />
Resource Navigator
This demo illustrates how to use the BootstrapSchedulerResourceNavigator control to select the visible resources.
The MasterControlID property is used to associate the stand-alone Resource Navigator control with a scheduler.
The resource navigator control supports two modes - pager and tokens. You can specify the desired mode using the master scheduler's OptionsResourceNavigator.Mode property.
Use the SettingsPager and SettingsTokens properties to configure the Resource Navigator's display settings.
Lincoln Bartlett (Therapy)Amelia Harper (Therapy)Stu Pizaro (Therapy)Lucy Ball (Therapy)Clark Morgan (Dentistry)Leah Simpson (Dentistry)
| Lincoln Bartlett (Therapy) | | | | | | Monday, October 10 | Monday, October 10 | Monday, October 10 | | | |
<dx:BootstrapSchedulerResourceNavigator runat="server" MasterControlID="SchedulerResourceNavigator">
<dx:BootstrapScheduler ID="SchedulerResourceNavigator" runat="server" ActiveViewType="Day" GroupType="Resource"
AppointmentDataSourceID="AppointmentDataSource" ResourceDataSourceID="efResourceDataSource">
<DayView ResourcesPerPage="3">
<OptionsBehavior ShowViewSelector="false" />
<OptionsResourceNavigator Visibility="Never" Mode="Tokens" />
View Navigator
This demo illustrates how to use the BootstrapSchedulerViewNavigator control to navigate between the current view's pages.
The MasterControlID property is used to associate the stand-alone View Navigator control with a scheduler.
| Lincoln Bartlett (Therapy) | | Monday, October 10 | |
<dx:BootstrapSchedulerViewNavigator runat="server" MasterControlID="SchedulerViewNavigator">
<dx:BootstrapScheduler ID="SchedulerViewNavigator" runat="server" ActiveViewType="Day" GroupType="Resource"
AppointmentDataSourceID="AppointmentDataSource" ResourceDataSourceID="efResourceDataSource">
<OptionsViewNavigator ShowTodayButton="true" ShowGotoDateButton="true" />
<DayView ResourcesPerPage="1">
<OptionsBehavior ShowViewSelector="false" ShowViewNavigator="false" />
<SettingsPager EnableResourceComboBox="false" EnableIncreaseDecrease="false" />
View Selector
This demo illustrates how to use the BootstrapSchedulerViewSelector control to change the active view.
the MasterControlID property is used to connect the standalone view selector control to a scheduler control. The selectors buttons can be arranged vertically by setting the ButtonsRepeatDirection property value to Vertical.
| Lincoln Bartlett (Therapy) | | | | Monday, October 10 | Tuesday, October 11 | Monday, October 10 | Tuesday, October 11 | | | | |
<dx:BootstrapSchedulerViewSelector runat="server" MasterControlID="SchedulerViewSelector">
<dx:BootstrapScheduler ID="SchedulerViewSelector" runat="server" ActiveViewType="Day" GroupType="Resource"
AppointmentDataSourceID="AppointmentDataSource" ResourceDataSourceID="efResourceDataSource">
<DayView ResourcesPerPage="2" DayCount="2">
<WorkWeekView ResourcesPerPage="1">
<FullWeekView ResourcesPerPage="1" Enabled="true">
<WeekView ResourcesPerPage="1">
<MonthView ResourcesPerPage="1">
<TimelineView ResourcesPerPage="2" IntervalCount="5">
<AgendaView ScrollAreaHeight="600">
<OptionsBehavior ShowViewSelector="false" />
<SettingsPager EnableResourceComboBox="false" EnableIncreaseDecrease="false" />