This example demonstrates the Bootstrap Radio Button List control with default settings. The Bootstrap Radio Button List editor is a radio button group that provides end-users with the capability to select a single item at a time.
<dx:BootstrapRadioButtonList runat="server">
<dx:BootstrapListEditItem Text="WinForms" Value="WinForms" />
<dx:BootstrapListEditItem Text="ASP.NET" Value="ASP.NET" Selected="true" />
<dx:BootstrapListEditItem Text="ASP.NET MVC" Value="ASP.NET MVC" />
<dx:BootstrapListEditItem Text="WPF" Value="WPF" />
Repeat Columns
The RepeatColumns property specifies the number of columns displayed within the Radio Button List editor.
<dx:BootstrapRadioButtonList runat="server" RepeatColumns="2">
<dx:BootstrapListEditItem Text="WinForms" Value="WinForms" />
<dx:BootstrapListEditItem Text="ASP.NET" Value="ASP.NET" Selected="true" />
<dx:BootstrapListEditItem Text="ASP.NET MVC" Value="ASP.NET MVC" Selected="true" />
<dx:BootstrapListEditItem Text="WPF" Value="WPF" />
Badges contain supplementary information about items and can display an icon and/or text. Use the BootstrapListEditItem.Badge property and the corresponding object's settings to configure an item badge:
- Badge.Text - Specifies the text in the badge.
- Badge.CssClass - Specifies the name of a CSS class applied to the badge element.
<dx:BootstrapRadioButtonList runat="server" Caption="Choose the test complexity:">
<dx:BootstrapListEditItem Value="First level" Badge-Text="Beginner" />
<dx:BootstrapListEditItem Value="Second level" Selected="true" Badge-Text="Intermediate" Badge-CssClass="bg-primary"/>
<dx:BootstrapListEditItem Value="Third level" Badge-Text="Advanced" Badge-CssClass="bg-danger" />