Table of Contents

The Bootstrap Rich Text Editor allows navigating through documents using interactive navigation tables: the Table of Contents and Table of Figures/Tables/Equations.

  • The Table of Contents lists the document's headings created by applying headings styles to the text paragraphs. The heading style changes the characters' appearance and specifies the paragraph's outline level.
  • The Table of Figures/Tables/Equations lists the corresponding document objects provided with a numbered label below - an object's caption. The caption identifies the object and adds it to the corresponding table.

To manage these navigation tables, the Rich Text Editor provides the References ribbon tab that allows you to add tables, mark paragraphs as headings or add captions to objects, and update the tables to display the corrected entries and page numbers.

In this demo, the document includes the Table of Contents and Table of Figures. You can move to the selected heading or figure by clicking the corresponding table's row while pressing the CTRL key. If a navigation table displays outdated information (outdated headings/captions or outdated page numbers) after changing the document, you can select the table and click the Update Table command in the References ribbon tab to update the table and display the correct information.

<dx:BootstrapRichEdit runat="server" ActiveTabIndex="3" ShowConfirmOnLosingChanges="false">
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