
The Bootstrap File Manager uses the physical file system provider when the ProviderType property is set to Physical or to NotSet (when no data source is specified). The physical file system provider is represented by the PhysicalFileSystemProvider class. This class defines methods for obtaining file and folder hierarchy, as well as methods for editing file manager items. This class can be used as an ancestor for custom file system providers as shown in the Custom File System Provider demo.

To visualize and manage the required physical file system, specify the root folder displayed within the Bootstrap File Manager control using the Settings.RootFolder or PhysicalFileSystemProvider.RootFolderDisplayName property.

<dx:BootstrapFileManager runat="server" Height="480px">
    <Settings RootFolder="~/Content/FileManager/Files" ThumbnailFolder="~/Content/FileManager/Thumbnails" />
    <SettingsEditing AllowCopy="true" AllowCreate="true" AllowDelete="true" AllowDownload="true" AllowMove="true"
        AllowRename="true" TemporaryFolder="~/Content/FileManager/Temp" />
        <ThumbnailsViewSettings ThumbnailHeight="48" ThumbnailWidth="48" />
    <SettingsAdaptivity Enabled="true" CollapseFolderContainerAtWindowInnerWidth="991" />
    <SettingsToolbar ShowPath="false" />
    <SettingsBreadcrumbs Visible="true" />
    <SettingsFileList ShowFolders="true" ShowParentFolder="true"></SettingsFileList>

Data Source

The data source file system provider allows you to use the File Manager to visualize file system data from a database. The Bootstrap File Manager uses the data source file system provider when the ProviderType property is set to DataSource or to NotSet when any data source is specified via the DataSourceID/DataSource property. The data source file system provider is represented by the DataSourceFileSystemProvider class. This class defines methods for obtaining file and folder hierarchy, as well as methods for editing file manager items.

The SettingsDataSource property provides access to the following file system provider settings:

  • KeyFieldName - Gets or sets the name of the data source key field.
  • ParentKeyFieldName - Gets or sets the name of the data source field which provides the item parent key values.
  • NameFieldName - Gets or sets the name of the data source field which provides unique item identifier names.
  • IsFolderFieldName - Gets or sets the name of the data source field which provides values indicating whether an item is a file or folder.
  • FileBinaryContentFieldName - Gets or sets the name of the data source field which provides file content.
  • LastWriteTimeFieldName - Gets or sets the name of the data source field which provides the time of the last file modification.
Character Formatting.rtf
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<dx:BootstrapFileManager runat="server" DataSourceID="FileManagerDataSource" Height="500px">
    <Settings ThumbnailFolder="~/Content/FileManager/Thumbnails" />
    <SettingsDataSource KeyFieldName="ID" ParentKeyFieldName="ParentID" NameFieldName="Name" IsFolderFieldName="IsFolder"
        FileBinaryContentFieldName="Data" LastWriteTimeFieldName="LastWriteTime" />
    <SettingsEditing AllowCopy="true" AllowCreate="true" AllowDelete="true" AllowDownload="true" AllowMove="true"
        AllowRename="true" TemporaryFolder="~/Content/FileManager/Temp" />
        <ThumbnailsViewSettings ThumbnailHeight="48" ThumbnailWidth="48" />
    <SettingsAdaptivity Enabled="true" CollapseFolderContainerAtWindowInnerWidth="991" />
    <SettingsToolbar ShowPath="false" />
    <SettingsBreadcrumbs Visible="true" />
    <SettingsFileList ShowFolders="true" ShowParentFolder="true"></SettingsFileList>
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