Document Protection

The Bootstrap Rich Text Editor provides support for working with protected documents. When the Rich Text Editor opens a fully protected document, users cannot edit it. If a protected document includes range permissions that enable editing document parts for a unique user or user group, the Rich Text Editor is able to identify the current user and grant him/her the corresponding permissions. Use the Rich Text Editor's Authentication property to authorize the current document user by its name, email or user group name. You can also define how the permitted ranges are highlighted within the Rich Text Editor by using the RangePermission property.

In this demo, the Rich Text Editor opens a protected document that includes permitted ranges for four users. The user is authorized through the Authentication property to edit a separate text area. The range that is enabled for editing is highlighted with yellow.

<dx:BootstrapRichEdit runat="server" ActiveTabIndex="0" ShowConfirmOnLosingChanges="false">
        <Authentication UserName="" />
        <RangePermissions Visibility="Visible" HighlightBracketsColor="#A4A000" HighlightColor="#FFFED5" />
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